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G surname

Gram for our many surnames relatively uncommon one, read as kè (ㄎ Uh). Generally, the origin of which three: one from Jixing, from the Western Zhou Dynasty Zhou Yi Wang Chen grams, belonged to the ancestor's name is; a Manchu, Jurchen Klinefelter the ancient tribes belonging to the clan name Chinese surname for the clan, as well as a Mongolian, a Keshiketeng's ancient Mongolian tribes, belonged to the tribe's name for the Chinese surname. Today Fucheng County, Hebei Province, Minle County, Gansu Province, Henan Xingyang, Fung, Xiangcheng, and Heilongjiang, Shanghai and other places, both gram surname tribe distribution.Basic Introduction

Grams [g, g, pronunciation for kè (ㄎ Uh)]

Surname origins

The first source

From Jixing, from the Western Zhou Dynasty Zhou Yi Wang Chen Ji grams, belonged to the ancestor's name is. Klinefelter is a very old family name, has existed three thousand years ago. Early Western Zhou Dynasty, the Qing royal family called a "g", he accepted Zhou Yi Wang Ji Sup command completed successfully sent him to task over the inspections, therefore, Zhou Yi Wang Ji grams given a bronze vessels, the "Bo" "Ding", "he Hu", "jar", and named one of the representatives of their identity bronze musical instrument "Bo" to "g Bo." Ding, both delicate meat cooking utensils, but also to reflect the nobility, Zhou prepared: Wang Jiuding, public seven Ding, Houwu Ding, Bo Sanding king a tripod; he Hu, wine and mixed wine for warm shades ; jar is filled container of wine, but also can be used for toiletries. "Ke Bo" sixteen years of the Qing dynasty (AD 1890) unearthed in Famen Temple in Shaanxi Qishan Fufeng any village, Emperor Guangxu three years (AD 1904), Zhang Yi purchased by collectors in Beijing Liulichang. Later, "g Ding", "g he Hu", "gram jar" and start to appear in the world. Where "g Bo" is an extremely important historical relics, is the study of Zhou dynasty political system, economic characteristics and important historical cast Metallurgical technology is currently being kept in the Tianjin Museum of Art. "Ke Bo" is today the oldest surviving copper Bo, its oval shape, is a large single percussion. Western Zhou Dynasty nobility in the banquet or ritual, often it with bells, Chimes compatible use. It features button ring, flat, oval or device being Hewa shape. Bo top with buttons on both sides of the ribs with hollow Kui Fei decorative patterns, even under Bo side. Bo Kui-shaped body decorated with dragon decoration head down, stumbling among Bring milk to a square nail, Bo-ming, the lower part of the body has a sixteen-line inscriptions, 19th July, chronicles the exploits and this source grams Bo's mouth.

In Kyi grams descendants sons of the ancestors who named names, called Klinefelter generations now, known as Klinefelter authentic.

The second source

From Manchu, Chinese surname belongs to s. According to historical records, "Annals clan · Qing Manchuria surname", "Jilin Annals" records:

⑴. Manchu grams 哷's, also known as G Koehler's, Manchu language Kere Hala, to the Ministry's, full of native Virginia (now Liaoning new 宾尼亚 mountain), is one of the oldest Manchu surname. After the mid-Qing Dynasty, more than what's crown surnames, Klinefelter, Xiong et.

⑵. Manchu Calder's, Manchu language Kerde Hala, native Jilin Wu La (now Jilin Yong Ji Wula Street Huifa estuary, pulling hair River, SHUANGYANG County), and Horqin (now eastern Inner Mongolia Tongliao area, Jilin western area), after the Mongolian cited as a surname, after the mid-Qing Dynasty Chinese crested by surname Kirschner.

⑶. Manchu g leaf Lie's, Manchu language Keyere Hala, native Jilin Wu La (now Jilin Yong Ji Wula Street Huifa estuary, pulling hair River, SHUANGYANG County), the crown surnames have Klinefelter.

⑷. Manchu Shikongshan Hello's fruit, also known as Golog's hole, Manchu language Konggolo Hala, Han Yi "yellow horse", native of Heilongjiang River, after the mid-Qing Han surname multi crown Conn, Guang's.

The third source

From Mongolian, Chinese surname belongs to s. According to historical records, "Annals of the Qing Dynasty, Mongolia Banners clan surname" reads:

⑴. Mongolian Keshiketeng's order for the clan, native Bayue Te (now the Nen River Valley North), etc., after the Manchu cited as a surname, Manchu language Kesiketeng Hala. After those who have finished Klinefelter said.

⑵. Mongolian Kele De's, also known as Kerry's special leaf, Han Yi "The Raven", native La Ba Yan Jilin Wu (now Jilin Yongji), and later cited as a surname Manchu, Manchu language Kelde Hala. After the mid-Qing Han surname multi crown Hay, Clinton and so on.

⑶. Mongolian g Mile's special, A Lima native Figure (now Qinghai Haidong Xunhua), and later cited as a surname Manchu, Manchu language Kerit Hala. After the middle of the crown Qing Han surnames have Klinefelter.

⑷. Mongolian grams Lie's special, also known as Ke Lete's, La Mu native tin flute (now eastern Inner Mongolia Keshiketengqi West La Moron River Basin, western Jilin area) and other places, after the Manchu cited as surnames who Manchu Kerut Hala. After the mid-Qing Han surname multi crown Pao, Clinton and so on.

⑸. Mongolian grams Muchu Shi, Queensland fruit Seoul native library (now Beijing Yongding River Basin), and later cited as a surname Manchu, Manchu language Kemucu Hala. After the mid-Qing Dynasty Chinese crested by surname Kirschner.

⑹. Mongolian Shikongshan Keli's, also known as the Mile Shikongshan grid Steinmann, native Keshiketeng (now 内蒙古克什克 Teng), and later cited as a surname Manchu, Manchu language Kongkeri Hala. The crown surnames have Klinefelter.

⑺. Mongolian Ke Mu Chu's special, native Wu Lute (now Inner Mongolia region southeast Xinganmeng), and later cited as a surname Manchu, Manchu language Kemucut Hala. The crown surnames have Klinefelter.

⑻. Mongolian Kemuqite's, native Hubei Erle Ke (now Russia Astrakhan), after the Manchu cited as a surname, Manchu language Kemukit Hala. The crown surnames have Klinefelter.

⑼. Mongolian Keshiketeng's order for the clan, native Bayue Te (now Shanxi days the town, the high-side sun outside the region) and other places, after the Manchu cited as a surname, Manchu language Kesiketeng Hala. The crown surnames have Klinefelter.

The fourth origins

From Ewenkis belonging finished surname's. According to historical records, "Annals clan · Qing Manchuria surname" reads: Ewenkis to Rick's, also known as Koehler's ur roll, native Geer Qin (now Jilin and Dragon Yin Yang River area), after the Manchu cited as a surname, Manchu language Gerk Hala. After the mid-Qing Dynasty, more than what's crown surnames, such as Klinefelter.

The fifth origins

From Daur, are finished surname's. According to historical records, "Annals clan · Qing Manchuria surname" reads: Daur grams tone's, Manchu language Kein Hala, native grams tone (now Russia Coach Heilongjiang River downstream on the right bank), Ji Qin (now Neimengguzha Lan Tun economic Qinhe basin) and other places, after the Manchu cited as a surname, Manchu language Kein Hala. After the mid-Qing Dynasty, more than what's crown Han surname, Qin, Clinton, etc.

The sixth origins

From nationality, belonging to Chinese surname's. By Hoche grams grams Lie's, according to Koehler, also known as GE's, the famous "ylang Sansing," one native Sansing (now Heilongjiang Yilan), Paterson (now Liaoning Dalian), after the Manchu cited as a surname, Manchu language Keykere Hala. After the mid-Qing Han surname multi crown Gurley, Clinton and so on.

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