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questions :Circular economy and campany
Visitor (154.121.*.*)
Category :[Economy][Enterprise]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (113.218.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2024-02-19
Circular economy and companies
The development of circular economy is the best model choice for China's sustainable social and economic development in the future, and the essence of the development of circular economy is the green economy, and enterprises need to carry out green production, that is, sustainable production. With the development of society, the guidance of enterprises to consumption is no longer limited to the traditional way of product information dissemination. Through the dissemination of micro and simple product performance, consumers can deepen their correct understanding of the overall image of the enterprise, which has a macro effect.
In a certain sense, the competition of enterprises is the competition of technology, is the competition to improve the efficiency of resources and energy. Differences in technological resources have formed different supply and demand structures among countries; developed countries import a large amount of natural resources from developing countries, destroying the ecological environment of developing countries; and the environment is a resource that should be valuable.At the same time, the trading opportunities generated by resource differences are not only manifested in the objective necessity of regulating the supply surplus and shortage between countries, but also mainly manifested in the comparative advantages or comparative disadvantages of production costs caused by various factors, which has extended the cost of enterprises to the full social cost including production and development.At the same time, pay attention to the design of green brands for environmental protection, such as: recyclable, phosphatase-free, pH balanced, do not damage the ozone layer, etc...

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